
Showing posts from December, 2021

Final Project

  This project relates to project 1 and uses the driving parameters used in project 1. The main parameter was the controlling width parameter which controlled the total width of the building. This project uses techniques learned throughout the semester to put solar panels on the roof of the building that are directly related to the current width of the building. Some of the panels are added and subtracted depending on the width, some move with the roof, and some don't move at all. Some of the panels are added and subtracted depending on the width, some move with the roof, and some don't move at all. The group shown above shows the general set up of the solar panels. If statements are used to control some panels that only show up at certain lengths, the basic if statements given by Dynamo only allow one statement at a time but if you use code blocks, you can add multiples rules to one if statement. The addition before the Point.Coordinates block are how I moved the panels into t